Frequently Asked Questions

  1. A Customer Service Representative will welcome you
  2. You’ll register as a new participant by entering information into our kiosk
  3. You’ll get a tour of the Resource Centre and meet the staff
  4. We’ll find out which programs and services you qualify for
  5. You can ask questions, especially if you need help using the centre

“Work search” is a broad term that includes activities such as:

  • checking online or in newspapers for job postings
  • researching companies you might be interested in
  • networking in your community or field of work
  • dropping off resumes
  • using career-related social media sites
  • attending workshops
  • going to job interviews
  • keeping up with local labour market information/events
  • cold calling employers and agencies
  • volunteering
  • Be available for work
  • Show employers how your skills, experience and personality match their jobs

Services are free to anyone eligible to work in Canada.